cepgen is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
CepGen 1.2.5
Central exclusive processes event generator
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1import Config.Core as cepgen
3pptoww = cepgen.Module('pptoww',
4 alphaEM = cepgen.Module('fixed',
5 value = float(0.007297352573756914)
6 ),
7 alphaS = cepgen.Module('pegasus',
8 asmur = float(0.49128),
9 fr2 = float(1.0),
10 iord = int(2),
11 mur = float(1.0)
12 ),
13 eftParameters = cepgen.Parameters(
14 mH = float(0.0),
15 s1 = float(0.0)
16 ),
17 hasEvent = True,
18 kinematics = cepgen.Module('BudnevElastic',
19 beam1A = int(0),
20 beam1Z = int(-1),
21 beam1id = int(0),
22 beam2A = int(0),
23 beam2Z = int(-1),
24 beam2id = int(0),
25 central = cepgen.Parameters(
26 dphi = (-999.999000,),
27 energy = (-999.999000,),
28 energysum = (-999.999000,),
29 eta = (-999.999000,),
30 etasum = (-999.999000,),
31 invmass = (-999.999000,),
32 mass = (-999.999000,),
33 pt = (0.000000,),
34 ptdiff = (-999.999000,),
35 ptsum = (-999.999000,),
36 rapidity = (-999.999000,),
37 rapiditydiff = (-999.999000,)
38 ),
39 energies = [{}],
40 formFactors = [
41 ],
42 initial = cepgen.Parameters(
43 phi = (-999.999000,),
44 q2 = [(0.000000,100000.000000), (0.000000,100000.000000)],
45 qt = (-999.999000,)
46 ),
47 kmrGridPath = '',
48 mode = int(0),
49 pdgIds = [{}],
50 pz = [{}],
51 remnants = cepgen.Parameters(
52 mx = (1.070000,1000.000000),
53 xi = (-999.999000,),
54 yj = (-999.999000,)
55 ),
56 sqrtS = float(0.0),
57 structureFunctions = cepgen.Module('SuriYennie',
58 Bp = float(0.63),
59 C1 = float(0.86926),
60 C2 = float(2.23422),
61 Cp = float(0.96),
62 D1 = float(0.12549),
63 rho2 = float(0.585),
64 sigmaRatio = cepgen.Module('SibirtsevBlunden',
65 a = float(0.014),
66 b1 = float(-0.07000000000000001),
67 b2 = float(-0.8),
68 c = float(41.0)
69 )
70 )
71 ),
72 kinematicsGenerator = cepgen.Module('kt2to4',
73 ids = [{}],
74 logPartonVirtuality = True,
75 randomiseCharge = True
76 ),
77 ktFactorised = True,
78 method = int(1),
79 model = int(0),
80 polarisationStates = cepgen.Parameters(
81 W1 = [-1, 0, 1],
82 W2 = [-1, 0, 1],
83 mode = int(-1)
84 ),
85 randomGenerator = cepgen.Module('stl',
86 seed = int(1721997403),
87 type = 'default'
88 ),
89 storeAlphas = False,
90 symmetrise = False