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CepGen 1.2.5
Central exclusive processes event generator
No Matches
Python steering attributes and helpers

A collection of tools for Python steering cards definition. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Python steering attributes and helpers:


 Collinear factorised processes
 A collection of useful objects for the definition of a general collinear parton momentum-factorised process steering card.
 Pythia 6 hadronisation module
 Base Pythia 6 configuration parameters to define the hadronisation module.
 Pythia 8 hadronisation module
 Base Pythia 8 configuration parameters to define the hadronisation module.
 kt-factorised processes
 A collection of objects for the definition of a general \(k_{\rm T}\)-factorised process.
 AlphaEM modules steering
 AlphaS modules steering
 EventModifiers modules steering
 FormFactors modules steering
 Integrators modules steering
 OutputModules modules steering
 PartonFluxes modules steering
 Processes modules steering
 RandomGenerators modules steering
 StructureFunctions modules steering


file  collinearFluxes_cff.py
 Collection of beam-collinear parton fluxes \(f(x, Q^2)\).
file  containers_cff.py
file  generator_cfi.py
 Collection of generator parameters.
file  Gsl_cff.py
file  pythia6Defaults_cff.py
 Collection of Pythia 6 runtime parameters to steer a few decay modes.
file  pythia6Tunes_cff.py
 Collection of Pythia 6 runtime parameters to steer a few underlying event (UE) tunes.
file  pythia8Defaults_cff.py
 Collection of Pythia 8 runtime parameters to steer a few decay modes.
file  pythia8Tunes_cff.py
 Collection of Pythia 8 runtime parameters to steer a few underlying event (UE) tunes.
file  tauolaDefaults_cff.py
 Collection of parameters to define the TAUOLA algorithm interface.
file  ktFluxes_cff.py
 A collection of beam parton fluxes \(f(x, k_{\rm T}^2, Q^2)\).
file  logger_cfi.py
 Collection of parameters for the steering of the output logging.
file  PDG_cfi.py
 Utilities for the PDG identifiers manipulation.
file  ProcessMode_cff.py
 Enumeration of the types of process kinematics (elastic, dissociative emissions)
file  SigmaRatio_cff.py
 Enumeration of \(\sigma_R/\sigma_L\) computation algorithms.
file  timer_cfi.py
 Collection of parameters to steer a timer algorithm.
file  vermaserenCuts_cfi.py
file  MCint.py
 MCint integration algorithm interface.
file  Scipy.py
 Scipy integration algorithm interface.
file  Torchquad.py
 PyTorch Torchquad integration algorithm interface.
file  Vegas.py
 Vegas integration algorithm interface.

Detailed Description