![]() |
CepGen 1.2.5
Central exclusive processes event generator
►Nboost | |
Ncepgen | |
►Ncepgen | Common namespace for this Monte Carlo generator |
►Napfel | |
CAlphaS | |
CCollinearFlux | Generic partonic level perturbative structure functions built from an external PDFs grid |
CEvolutionStructureFunctions | |
CPartonicStructureFunctions | Generic partonic level perturbative structure functions built from an external PDFs grid |
►Napfelpp | |
CAlphaEM | |
CAlphaS | |
CEvolutionStructureFunctions | |
►Ncard | Location for all steering card parsers/writers |
CBoostTreeHandler | Boost tree configuration cards reader/writer |
CCommandLineHandler | Command line parser |
CHandler | Base steering card module |
CInfoHandler | An INFO configuration file parser |
CJsonHandler | A JSON configuration file parser |
CLpairHandler | LPAIR-like steering cards parser and writer |
CXmlHandler | An XML configuration file parser |
Nconstants | List of physical constants useful that may be used for the matrix element definition |
►Nctml | |
CDocumentationGenerator | CTML documentation generator object |
►Ncuba | Interface objects to Cuba algorithms |
CCuhreIntegrator | Cuba implementation of the VEGAS integration algorithm |
CDivonneIntegrator | Cuba implementation of the Divonne integration algorithm |
CIntegrator | Cuba integration algorithm |
CSuaveIntegrator | Cuba implementation of the Suave integration algorithm |
CVegasIntegrator | Cuba implementation of the VEGAS integration algorithm |
►Ncuts | A namespace for all kinematic cuts |
CCentral | Centrally produced particles phase space cuts |
CInitial | Initial parton-like particles phase space cuts |
CRemnants | Outgoing beam remnant-like particles phase space cuts |
►Nformfac | Form factors definition scope |
CArringtonEtAl | [4] |
CBrashEtAl | [9] |
CFormFactors | Form factors values |
CHeavyIonDipole | |
CInelasticNucleon | |
CKelly | [15] |
CMergellEtAl | [20] |
CParameterisation | Nucleon electromagnetic form factors parameterisation |
CPointLike | |
CPointLikeFermion | |
CPointLikeScalar | |
CStandardDipole | |
►Nhadr | Location for all hadronisers to be run downstream to the events generation |
CHadroniser | Class template to define any hadroniser as a general object with defined methods |
CPhotosFilter | Interface to the Photos decay routine |
CPythia6Hadroniser | Interface to the Pythia 6 algorithm |
CPythia8Hadroniser | Interface to the Pythia8 hadronisation algorithm |
CTauolaFilter | Interface to the Tauola decay routine |
►Nherwig6 | Herwig 6 utilities namespace |
CAlphaEM | |
CAlphaS | |
CStructureFunctions | |
►Nktblock | Collection of common blocks for Fortran \(k_{\rm T}\)-processes |
CConstants | General physics constants |
CEventKinematics | Single event kinematics |
CGenParameters | Generic run parameters |
CKinCuts | Phase space cuts for event kinematics |
CKTKinematics | Kinematics properties of the \(k_{\rm T}\)-factorised process |
►Nlhapdf | |
CAlphaS | A perturbative PDF-oriented \(\alpha_S(Q^2)\) evaluator |
CCollinearFlux | |
Nmg5amc | |
Nmode | Collection of enums for the definition of process mode |
►Nproc | Location for all physics processes to be generated |
CFactorisedProcess | Generic parton emission-factorised process |
CFortranFactorisedProcess | Compute the matrix element for a generic factorised process defined in a Fortran weighting function |
CProcess | Class template to define any process to compute using this MC integrator/events generator |
►Npythia6 | Pythia 6 utilities namespace |
CAlphaEM | |
CAlphaS | |
CEventInterface | Interface to the Pythia 6 event content |
►Npythia8 | |
CAlphaEM | |
CAlphaS | |
CAlphaSUN | |
CCollinearFlux | |
CLHEFHandler | Pythia8 handler for the LHE file output |
►Npython | |
CCardHandler | CepGen Python configuration cards reader/writer |
CConfigWriter | Toolbox to dump user-steered configuration into Python scripts |
CDocumentationGenerator | Python modules documentation generator |
CEnvironment | |
CError | |
CFunctional | |
CIntegrator | |
CObjectPtr | Smart pointer to a Python object and its dereferencing operator |
►Nroot | |
CAnalyticalIntegrator | |
CDrawer | |
CEventExporter | Handler for the storage of events in a ROOT format |
CEventImporter | ROOT handler for an event tree import |
CFunctional | Functional evaluator defined from a ROOT TFormula |
CIntegrator | ROOT general-purpose integration algorithm |
CRandomGenerator | |
►Nsigrat | A collector namespace for modellings of the \(R=\sigma_L/\sigma_T\) ratio |
CCLAS | CLAS experimental R measurement |
CE143 | E143 experimental R measurement [1] |
CParameterisation | A generic modelling of the \(R=\sigma_L/\sigma_T\) ratio |
CR1990 | SLAC experimental R measurement [30] |
CSibirtsevBlunden | Sibirtsev & Blunden parameterisation of the R ratio [25] |
►Nstrfun | Structure functions modelling scope |
CALLM | \(F_{2,L}\) parameterisation by Abramowicz, Levin, Levy, and Maor [3][2] |
CALLM91 | Pre-HERA data fit (694 data points) |
CALLM97 | Fixed target and HERA photoproduction total cross sections (1356 points) |
CBlockDurandHa | \(F_2\) parameterisation from Block, Durand, and Ha [6] |
CBodekKangXu | \(F_{1,2}\) modelling by Bodek, Kang, and Xu [7] |
CCapellaEtAl | Low-x structure functions, valid for the range \(0<Q^2<5\) GeV^2 [11] |
CChristyBosted | \(F_{2,L}\) parameterisation by Christy and Bosted [8] |
►CCLAS | CLAS parameterisation for nucleon data at \(Q^2\) > 0.5 GeV \(^2\) and \(x_{\rm Bj}\) > 0.15 |
►CParameters | List of steering parameters for a physics case |
CResonance | Physical properties associated to a resonance |
CDonnachieLandshoff | F2 parameterisation for Q^2 < 10 GeV^2 [12] |
►CFioreBrasse | \({\cal W}_{1,2}\) structure functions parameterisation by Fiore et al [14] and Brasse et al [10] |
CResonance | Description of a single resonance in the modelling |
CFioreBrasseAlt | |
CGD07p | |
CGD11p | |
CKulaginBarinov | Kulagin and Barinov hybrid parameterisation [17] |
CLHAPDFPartonic | Generic partonic level perturbative structure functions built from an external PDFs grid |
►CParameterisation | Base object for the parameterisation of nucleon structure functions |
CArguments | |
CValues | |
CPartonicParameterisation | Generic partonic level perturbative structure functions built from an external PDFs grid |
CSchaefer | LUX-like hybrid modelling of \(F_{2,L}\) structure functions |
CShamov | |
CSuriYennie | \(F_{1,2,E,M}\) modelling by Suri and Yennie [26] |
CSuriYennieAlt | |
CSzczurekUleshchenko | Szczurek and Uleshchenko modelling of \(F_2\) based on GRV parton content [27] |
Ntest | |
►Nutils | Collection of utilities |
Nenv | All environment variable-related utilities |
Nkt | |
CAbortHandler | Object handling an user-driven process abortion |
CCaller | External command piping utility |
CDerivator | |
►CDocumentationGenerator | Documentation generator object |
Ccategory_t | |
►CDrawable | A generic object which can be drawn in the standard output |
CAxisInfo | Metadata for an axis |
CCompareAxisByValue | Comparator of an axis by the values it holds |
Ccoord_t | Generic bin coordinate and its human-readable label |
►CDrawer | A generic drawing utility |
CMode | |
CEnumHash | A hasher table for an enumeration |
CEventBrowser | A user-friendly browser for the Event content |
CFunction1D | Wrapper to a 1-dimensional function with optional parameters |
CFunctional | A string-to-functional parser |
CFunctionalExprTk | |
CFunctionalLibmatheval | |
CFunctionalMuParser | |
CFunctionalTinyExpr | |
CGnuplotDrawer | Gnuplot drawable objects drawing utility |
CGraph1D | A one-dimensional graph object |
CGraph2D | A two-dimensional graph object |
CGridDrawer | Utility object to draw a grid values mapping |
CGSLDerivator | |
CGSLFunctionWrapper | GSL wrapper to define a functor as a GSL-digestible functional |
CGSLMonteFunctionWrapper | GSL wrapper to define a functor as an integrable functional |
CHasher | A hasher table for a given structure |
CHasher< T, true > | A hasher table for a given structure |
CHist1D | 1D histogram container |
►CHist2D | 2D histogram container |
Ccontents_t | |
CHistogram | Generic text-based plotting utility |
CLogger | General purposes logger |
CMatplotlibDrawer | |
►CPiper | External command piping utility |
CCommands | A collection of commands to pipe to the session |
CProcessVariablesAnalyser | |
CProgressBar | A simple progress indicator |
CRandomGenerator | A random number generator |
CRunAbortedException | Exception raised when the user terminates the process |
CTextDocumentationGenerator | Text documentation generator object |
CTextDrawer | |
►CTimeKeeper | Collection of clocks to benchmark execution blocks |
CTicker | Scoped timekeeping utility |
CTimer | A generic timer to extract the processing time between two steps in this software's flow |
CTopdrawerDrawer | |
CYODADrawer | |
CAlphaEMBurkhardt | Electromagnetic alpha running calculator |
CAlphaEMFixed | |
CAlphaEMRunning | Running electromagnetic alpha calculator |
CAlphaSREvolver | |
CAlphaSWebber | Simple parameterisation of the QCD running coupling at low scales [29] |
CAnalyticIntegrator | Analytic (functional) integration algorithm |
CArgumentsParser | A generic command line arguments parser |
CBasesIntegrator | Bases integration algorithm |
CBeam | Incoming beams characteristics |
CBoostAnalyticalIntegrator | Trapezoidal integration algorithm |
CBoostGaussKronrodAnalyticalIntegrator | Boost Gauss-Kronrod integration algorithm |
CBoostGaussLegendreAnalyticalIntegrator | Gauss-Legendre integration algorithm |
CBreitWigner | A Breit-Wigner/Cauchy distribution generator |
CBudnevElasticLeptonKTFlux | |
CBudnevElasticNucleonKTFlux | |
CBudnevInelasticNucleonKTFlux | |
CCardsHandlerFactory | A cards handler factory |
CCollinearFlux | |
CCoupling | A generic \(\alpha_S(Q^2)\) evaluation algorithm |
CCutsList | A collection of cuts to apply on the physical phase space |
CDelphesHandler | Export handler for Delphes |
CDreesZeppenfeldCollinearFlux | Virtuality-dependent Drees-Zeppenfeld photon flux |
CElasticHeavyIonKTFlux | |
CElasticNucleonKTFlux | |
CEPACollinearFlux | |
►CEvent | Container for the information on the in- and outgoing particles' kinematics |
CEventMetadata | Collection of key -> value pairs storing event metadata |
CEventExporter | Output format handler for events export |
CEventHandler | Class template for modules interacting with events |
CEventHarvester | Generic text file output handler |
CEventImporter | Base event importer module |
CEventModifier | Class template to interface (external/internal) events modification algorithms |
CException | |
CFoamGeneratorWorker | Foam generator worker algorithm as developed by S. Jadach (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow, PL) |
CFoamIntegrator | Foam general-purpose integration algorithm as developed by S. Jadach (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow, PL) |
CFunctionalIntegrand | Wrapper to a string-built functional to be integrated |
CFunctionIntegrand | Wrapper to the function to be integrated |
CGenerator | Core generator object allowing for process definition, cross section computation, and event generation |
CGeneratorWorker | Event generator worker instance |
CGnuplotHarvester | |
CGridHandler | A generic class for \(\mathbb{R}^D\mapsto\mathbb{R}^N\) grid interpolation |
CGridOptimisedGeneratorWorker | |
CGridParameters | A parameters placeholder for the grid integration helper |
CGSLIntegrator | |
CGSLRandomGenerator | |
CHeavyIon | Heavy ion container (Z+A) |
CHepMC2Handler | Handler for the HepMC file output |
CHepMC2Importer | Handler for the HepMC file output |
CHepMC3Handler | Handler for the HepMC3 file output |
CHepMC3Importer | Handler for the HepMC file output |
CIncomingBeams | Beam/primary particle's kinematics |
CInelasticNucleonKTFlux | |
CIntegrand | An integrand wrapper placeholder |
CIntegrator | Monte-Carlo integration algorithm |
CKinematics | List of kinematic constraints to apply on the process phase space |
CKleinElasticHeavyIonKTFlux | Realistic nuclear form-factor as used in STARLIGHT See [16] |
CKMRGluonKTFlux | |
CKTFlux | |
CKTIntegratedFlux | |
CLHEFHepMCHandler | Handler for the LHE file output |
CLHEFHepMCImporter | HepMC3 handler for the LHEF file import |
CLimits | Validity interval for a variable |
CLoggedMessage | A simple exception handler |
CMadGraphDummyProcess | |
CMadGraphInterface | |
CMadGraphProcess | Wrapper around a generic MadGraph process definition |
CMatplotlibHarvester | |
CMatrix | A \(n\times m\) matrix object |
CMessage | A generic message type |
CMISERIntegrator | MISER integration algorithm developed by W.H. Press and G.R. Farrar, as documented in [23] |
CModuleFactory | A generic factory to build modules |
CMomentum | Container for a particle's 4-momentum, along with useful methods to ease the development of any matrix element level generator |
►CNachtmannAmplitudes | Amplitudes computational tool, as developed by Nachtmann et al. [21] |
CKinematics | Helper container to handle all kinematics variables computation once |
CNaiveBoostIntegrator | Boost's Naive integration algorithm |
CNamedModule | Base runtime module object |
CNullStream | Placeholder for debugging messages if logging threshold is not reached |
►CParametersDescription | A description object for parameters collection |
CParameterValues | A collection of valid values for a given parameter |
CParametersList | |
CParticle | Kinematic information for one particle |
CParticleProperties | A collection of physics constants associated to a single particle |
CParticlesMap | Map between a particle's role and its associated Particle object |
CPartonFlux | |
CPartonFluxFactory | A generic parton fluxes objects factory |
CPartonsCollinearPhaseSpaceGenerator | Collinear factorisation phase space generator |
CPartonsKTPhaseSpaceGenerator | \(k_{\rm T}\)-factorisation phase space generator |
CPartonsPhaseSpaceGenerator | A generic phase space integration wrapper |
►CPDG | A singleton holding all physics constants associated to particles |
CId | A class-in-the-middle PDG identifier for printout operations |
CPhaseSpaceGenerator | Class template to define any phase space helper process |
CPhaseSpaceGenerator2to4 | A 2-to-4 (or 2-to-2 central) phase space generator |
CPlainIntegrator | Plain integration algorithm randomly sampling points in the phase space |
CPolarisationState | |
CProcessIntegrand | Wrapper to the function to be integrated |
CProMCHandler | Handler for the ProMC file output |
►CResonanceObject | General definition for a resonance |
CBranchingRatios | Branching ratios container for resonance decay into single, double pion or eta states |
CKinematicsBlock | Kinematics needed for threshold relativistic B-W |
CROOTCanvas | A "prettified" generic figure canvas |
CROOTDerivator | |
CROOTHistsHandler | Handler for the generic ROOT file output |
CROOTPaveText | A "prettified" text box object |
►CRunParameters | List of parameters used to start and run the simulation job |
CGeneration | Collection of events generation parameters |
CSpringGeneratorWorker | |
CSteerable | Base runtime module object |
CSteeredObject | Base user-steerable object |
CSTLRandomGenerator | |
CTextEventHandler | Simple event dump module |
CTextHarvester | |
CTextVariablesHandler | Handler for the generic text file output |
CTopdrawerHarvester | |
CValue | A scalar value with its uncertainty |
CVector | Specialisation of a \(m\times 1\) matrix |
CVectorRef | |
CVegasIntegrator | Vegas integration algorithm developed by P. Lepage, as documented in [18] |
Cversion | Collection of CepGen version information handlers |
CYODAHistsHandler | Handler for the generic YODA file output |
►NHepMC | |
CCepGenEvent | Interfacing between CepGen and HepMC2 event definitions |
►NHepMC3 | |
CCepGenEvent | Interfacing between CepGen and HepMC event definitions |
►Nkmr | Kimber-Martin-Ryskin unintegrated gluon densities |
CGluonGrid | A KMR unintegrated gluon densities grid interpolator |
►Nmstw | Martin-Stirling-Thorne-Watt PDFs structure functions |
►CGrid | A \(F_{2,L}\) grid interpolator |
Cheader_t | Grid header information as parsed from the file |
Csfval_t | Structure functions value at a given \(Q^2/x_{\rm Bj}\) coordinate |
Noutput | |
►Npdg | |
CMCDFileParser | A MCD files parsing module |
►NPythia8 | |
CCepGenEvent | Interfacing between CepGen and Pythia8 event definitions |
►Npython | |
►NConfig | |
►NcollinearFluxes_cff | |
CElectronFlux | Type of parton (from electron) flux modelling |
CHeavyIonFlux | Type of parton (from heavy ion) flux modelling |
CProtonFlux | Type of parton (from proton) flux modelling |
NcollinearProcess_cfi | |
►Ncontainers_cff | |
CModule | A named parameters set to steer a generic module |
CParameters | A raw list of steering parameters |
CPrintHelper | Helper class for the pretty-printing of configuration parameters |
CSequence | An ordered modules sequence |
CTestTypes | Small collection of tests for our new types |
NCore | |
Ngenerator_cfi | |
►NGsl_cff | |
CGslRngEngine | GSL random number generator engine |
►NHadronisation | |
Npythia6_cfi | |
Npythia6Defaults_cff | |
Npythia6Tunes_cff | |
Npythia8_cfi | |
Npythia8Defaults_cff | |
Npythia8Tunes_cff | |
►NtauolaDefaults_cff | |
CDecayMode | |
►NktFluxes_cff | |
CElectronFlux | Type of parton (from electron) flux modelling |
CHeavyIonFlux | Type of parton (from heavy ion) flux modelling |
CProtonFlux | Type of parton (from proton) flux modelling |
NktProcess_cfi | |
►Nlogger_cfi | |
CLogging | Logging verbosity |
NPDG_cfi | |
►NProcessMode_cff | |
CProcessMode | Types of processes supported |
►NSigmaRatio_cff | |
CSigmaRatio | R-ratio computation method |
Ntimer_cfi | |
NvermaserenCuts_cfi | |
►NIntegrationAlgos | |
NMCint | |
NScipy | |
NTorchquad | |
NVegas | |
►NTestProcesses | |
Nlpair_13tev_dd_ptct15_cfg | |
Nlpair_13tev_dd_ptct3_cfg | |
Nlpair_13tev_el_ptct15_cfg | |
Nlpair_13tev_el_ptct3_cfg | |
Nlpair_13tev_sd_ptct15_cfg | |
Nlpair_13tev_sd_ptct3_cfg | |
Nlpair_8tev_dd_ptct15_cfg | |
Nlpair_8tev_el_ptct15_cfg | |
Nlpair_8tev_sd_ptct15_cfg | |
Nlpair_ee_30gev_el_noptct_cfg | |
Npptoll_13tev_dd_ptct15_su_qt500_cfg | |
Npptoll_13tev_dd_ptct15_su_qt50_cfg | |
Npptoll_13tev_dd_ptct3_su_cfg | |
Npptoll_13tev_el_ptct15_cfg | |
Npptoll_13tev_el_ptct3_cfg | |
Npptoll_13tev_sd_ptct15_su_qt500_cfg | |
Npptoll_13tev_sd_ptct15_su_qt50_cfg | |
Npptoll_13tev_sd_ptct3_su_cfg | |
Npptottbar_13tev_dd_lux_cfg | |
Npptottbar_13tev_el_cfg | |
Npptottbar_13tev_sd_lux_cfg | |
Npptoww_13tev_dd_allm_cfg | |
Npptoww_13tev_dd_lux_cfg | |
Npptoww_13tev_el_cfg | |
Npptoww_13tev_sd_allm_cfg | |
Npptoww_13tev_sd_lux_cfg | |
►Npython_modules | |
►NAlphaEM | |
Napfelpp_cfi | |
Nburkhardt_cfi | |
Nfixed_cfi | |
Nherwig6_cfi | |
Npythia6_cfi | |
Npythia8_cfi | |
Nrunning_cfi | |
►NAlphaS | |
Napfelpp_cfi | |
Nherwig6_cfi | |
Nlhapdf_cfi | |
NlhapdfAnalytic_cfi | |
NlhapdfODE_cfi | |
Npegasus_cfi | |
Npythia6_cfi | |
Npythia8_cfi | |
Npythia8UN_cfi | |
Nwebber_cfi | |
►NEventModifiers | |
Npythia6_cfi | |
Npythia8_cfi | |
►NFormFactors | |
Narrington_cfi | |
Nbrash_cfi | |
NheavyIonDipole_cfi | |
NinelasticNucleon_cfi | |
Nkelly_cfi | |
Nmergell_cfi | |
NpointLikeFermion_cfi | |
NpointLikeScalar_cfi | |
NstandardDipole_cfi | |
►NIntegrators | |
Nfoam_cfi | |
Nmiser_cfi | |
Nplain_cfi | |
Npython_cfi | |
Nroot_cfi | |
Nvegas_cfi | |
►NOutputModules | |
Ndump_cfi | |
Ngnuplot_cfi | |
Nhepevt_cfi | |
NhepevtBz2_cfi | |
NhepevtLzma_cfi | |
NhepevtZ_cfi | |
Nhepmc2_cfi | |
Nhepmc2Ascii_cfi | |
Nhepmc3Hepmc2_cfi | |
Nhepmc_cfi | |
NhepmcBz2_cfi | |
NhepmcLzma_cfi | |
NhepmcZ_cfi | |
Nlhef_cfi | |
NlhefHepmc_cfi | |
NrootHist_cfi | |
NrootTree_cfi | |
Ntext_cfi | |
Nvars_cfi | |
►NPartonFluxes | |
NbudnevElastic_cfi | |
NbudnevElasticLepton_cfi | |
NbudnevInelastic_cfi | |
NdreesZeppenfeld_cfi | |
Nelastic_cfi | |
NelasticHeavyIon_cfi | |
NepaFlux_cfi | |
Ninelastic_cfi | |
NkleinElasticHI_cfi | |
Nkmr_cfi | |
NktIntegrated_cfi | |
Nlhapdf_cfi | |
Npythia8_cfi | |
►NProcesses | |
Nlpair_cfi | |
Nmg5Amc_cfi | |
Npptoff_cfi | |
NpptoffF77_cfi | |
Npptoww_cfi | |
►NRandomGenerators | |
Ngsl_cfi | |
Nroot_cfi | |
Nstl_cfi | |
►NStructureFunctions | |
Nallm91_cfi | |
Nallm97_cfi | |
NapfelppEvol_cfi | |
NblockDurandHa_cfi | |
NbodekKangXu_cfi | |
Ncapella_cfi | |
NchristyBosted_cfi | |
Nclas_cfi | |
NdonnachieLandshoff_cfi | |
NfioreBrasse_cfi | |
NfioreBrasseAlt_cfi | |
Ngd07p_cfi | |
Ngd11p_cfi | |
Nherwig6_cfi | |
NhtALLM_cfi | |
NhtALLMft_cfi | |
NkulaginBarinov_cfi | |
Nlhapdf_cfi | |
NluxLike_cfi | |
NmstwGrid_cfi | |
Nshamov_cfi | |
NsuriYennie_cfi | |
NsuriYennieAlt_cfi | |
NszczurekUleshchenko_cfi | |
►NROOT | |
CCepGenEvent | All useful information about a generated event |
CCepGenRun | All useful information about a generation run |