cepgen is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
CepGen 1.2.5
Central exclusive processes event generator
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * CepGen: a central exclusive processes event generator
3 * Copyright (C) 2013-2024 Laurent Forthomme
4 *
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 * any later version.
9 *
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 */
19#include <fstream>
20#include <memory>
27#include "CepGen/Generator.h" // for library loading
35#include "CepGen/Physics/PDG.h"
38#include "CepGen/Utils/String.h"
41using std::string;
43static constexpr int kInvalidInt = -999999;
44static constexpr double kInvalidDbl = 999.999;
45static constexpr const char* kInvalidStr = "(null)";
48 __TYPE_ENUM(int, p_ints_, -kInvalidInt) \
49 __TYPE_ENUM(double, p_doubles_, -kInvalidDbl) \
50 __TYPE_ENUM(std::string, p_strings_, kInvalidStr)
52namespace cepgen {
53 class ParametersList;
54 namespace card {
56 class LpairHandler final : public Handler {
57 public:
59 explicit LpairHandler(const ParametersList& params) : Handler(params) {}
62 auto desc = Handler::description();
63 desc.setDescription("LPAIR-like cards parser");
64 return desc;
65 }
67 inline LpairHandler& parseFile(const std::string& filename) override {
68 if (!utils::fileExists(filename))
69 throw CG_FATAL("LpairHandler:parseFile") << "Unable to locate steering card \"" << filename << "\".";
70 if (const auto file_content = utils::split(utils::readFile(filename), '\n'); !file_content.empty())
71 return parseCommands(file_content);
72 CG_WARNING("LpairHandler:parseFile") << "Empty steering card.";
73 return *this;
74 }
76 inline LpairHandler& parseCommands(const std::vector<std::string>& commands) override {
77 std::ostringstream os;
78 init();
79 for (auto line : commands) {
80 if (line = utils::trim(line); line.empty() || line[0] == '#') // skip comments
81 continue;
82 const auto fields = utils::split(line, ' ', true); // parse all fields
84 if (fields.size() < 2) { // skip all invalid lines
85 CG_WARNING("LpairHandler:parseCommands") << "Invalid command read: '" << line << "'.";
86 continue;
87 }
88 const auto key = fields.at(0), value = fields.at(1);
89 setParameter(key, value);
90 if (const auto descr = describe(key); descr != kInvalidStr)
91 os << utils::format("\n\t>> %-8s %-25s (%s)", key.data(), parameter(key).data(), descr.data());
92 }
94 CG_INFO("LpairHandler:parseCommands")
95 << "LPAIR configuration successfully loaded! Now parsing the following parameters:" << os.str() << ".";
96 parse();
97 return *this;
98 }
101 inline void write(const std::string& filename) const override {
102 std::ofstream file(filename, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::trunc);
103 if (!file.is_open())
104 throw CG_ERROR("LpairHandler") << "Failed to open file '" << filename << "' for writing.";
105 for (const auto& it : p_strings_)
106 if (it.second.value && !it.second.value->empty())
107 file << utils::format(
108 "%-8s %-20s ! %s\n", it.first.data(), it.second.value->data(), it.second.description.data());
109 for (const auto& it : p_ints_)
110 if (it.second.value && *it.second.value != kInvalidInt)
111 file << utils::format("%-8s %-20d ! %s\n", it.first.data(), *it.second.value, it.second.description.data());
112 for (const auto& it : p_doubles_)
113 if (it.second.value && *it.second.value != Limits::INVALID)
114 file << utils::format("%-8s %-20e ! %s\n", it.first.data(), *it.second.value, it.second.description.data());
115 file.close();
116 }
118 private:
119 LpairHandler& setRunParameters(const RunParameters*) override;
121 void init();
122 inline void parse() {
123 for (const auto& lib : utils::split(addons_list_, ','))
124 loadLibrary(lib);
126 //--- parse the PDG library
127 if (!pdg_input_path_.empty())
128 pdg::MCDFileParser::parse(pdg_input_path_);
129 if (!kmr_grid_path_.empty())
130 kmr::GluonGrid::get(ParametersList().set<std::string>("path", kmr_grid_path_));
132 //--- build the ticker if required
133 if (timer_)
138 { //--- parse the structure functions code
139 auto& kin_params = proc_params_.operator[]<ParametersList>("kinematics");
140 bool beam1_elastic{true}, beam2_elastic{true};
141 if (pmod_ == "1")
142 kin_params.set<int>("beam1id", PDG::electron);
143 else {
144 kin_params.set<int>("beam1id", PDG::proton);
145 if (pmod_ != "2") {
146 beam1_elastic = false;
147 auto sf_params = StructureFunctionsFactory::get().describeParameters(pmod_).parameters();
148 sf_params.set<ParametersList>("sigmaRatio",
149 SigmaRatiosFactory::get().describeParameters(sr_type_).parameters());
150 if (pmod_ == "205" /* MSTWgrid */ && !mstw_grid_path_.empty())
151 sf_params.set<std::string>("gridPath", mstw_grid_path_);
152 kin_params.set("structureFunctions", sf_params);
153 }
154 }
155 if (emod_ == "1")
156 kin_params.set<int>("beam2id", PDG::electron);
157 else {
158 kin_params.set<int>("beam2id", PDG::proton);
159 if (emod_ != "2") {
160 beam2_elastic = false;
161 if (emod_ != pmod_)
162 CG_WARNING("LpairHandler")
163 << "Incoming particles' modes are inconsistent: PMOD=" << pmod_ << ", EMOD=" << emod_ << ".";
164 }
165 }
166 auto& mode = kin_params.operator[]<int>("mode");
167 mode = static_cast<int>(
168 beam1_elastic
170 : (beam2_elastic ? mode::Kinematics::InelasticElastic : mode::Kinematics::InelasticInelastic));
171 }
173 //--- parse the process name
174 if (!proc_name_.empty() || !proc_params_.empty()) {
175 if (!runParameters()->hasProcess() && proc_name_.empty())
176 throw CG_FATAL("LpairHandler") << "Process name not specified!";
177 if (runParameters()->hasProcess() && runParameters()->process().name() == proc_name_)
178 proc_params_ = runParameters()->process().parameters() + proc_params_;
179 if (proc_name_ == "pptoff" && lepton_id_ != 0) // backward-compatibility for PPtoLL cards
180 proc_params_.set<int>("pair", PDG::electron + (lepton_id_ - 1) * 2);
181 runParameters()->setProcess(ProcessFactory::get().build(proc_name_, proc_params_));
182 }
184 if (!int_params_.name().empty())
185 runParameters()->integrator() += int_params_;
186 runParameters()->generation().setParameters(gen_params_);
188 //--- parse the hadronisation algorithm name
189 if (!evt_mod_name_.empty())
190 for (const auto& mod : utils::split(evt_mod_name_, ','))
191 runParameters()->addModifier(EventModifierFactory::get().build(mod, ParametersList()));
193 //--- parse the output module name
194 if (!out_mod_name_.empty()) {
195 const auto& out_files = utils::split(out_file_name_, ',');
196 size_t i = 0;
197 for (const auto& mod : utils::split(out_mod_name_, ',')) {
198 ParametersList outm;
199 if (out_files.size() > i && !out_files.at(i).empty())
200 outm.set<std::string>("filename", out_files.at(i));
201 runParameters()->addEventExporter(EventExporterFactory::get().build(mod, outm));
202 ++i;
203 }
204 }
205 }
209 template <typename T>
210 struct Parameter {
211 std::string key, description;
212 T* value{nullptr};
213 };
215 template <typename T>
216 void registerParameter(const std::string& /*key*/, const std::string& /*description*/, T* /*def*/) {}
217 template <typename T>
218 void registerProcessParameter(const std::string& key,
219 const std::string& description,
220 const std::string& proc_key) {
221 registerParameter<T>(key, description, &proc_params_.operator[]<T>(proc_key));
222 }
224 template <typename T>
225 void registerKinematicsParameter(const std::string& key,
226 const std::string& description,
227 const std::string& kin_key) {
228 registerParameter<T>(
229 key, description, &proc_params_.operator[]<ParametersList>("kinematics").operator[]<T>(kin_key));
230 }
231 template <typename T>
232 void registerGenerationParameter(const std::string& key,
233 const std::string& description,
234 const std::string& gen_key) {
235 registerParameter<T>(key, description, &gen_params_.operator[]<T>(gen_key));
236 }
237 template <typename T>
238 void registerIntegratorParameter(const std::string& key,
239 const std::string& description,
240 const std::string& int_key) {
241 registerParameter<T>(key, description, &int_params_.operator[]<T>(int_key));
242 }
244 template <typename T>
245 inline void set(const std::string& /*key*/, const T& /*value*/) {}
247 template <typename T>
248 inline T get(const std::string& /*key*/) const {
249 return T();
250 }
252 void setParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
253 std::string parameter(const std::string& key) const;
254 inline std::string describe(const std::string& key) const {
255#define __TYPE_ENUM(type, map, default_val) \
256 if (map.count(key)) \
257 return map.at(key).description;
259#undef __TYPE_ENUM
260 return kInvalidStr;
261 }
263 ParametersList proc_params_, gen_params_, int_params_;
264 int timer_{0}, iend_{1}, log_level_{(int)utils::Logger::get().level()}, ext_log_{0};
265 std::string emod_{"2"}, pmod_{"2"};
266 int sr_type_{1}, lepton_id_{0};
267 std::string proc_name_, evt_mod_name_, out_mod_name_;
268 std::string out_file_name_, addons_list_;
269 std::string kmr_grid_path_, mstw_grid_path_, pdg_input_path_;
271#define __TYPE_ENUM(type, map_name, default_val) std::map<std::string, Parameter<type> > map_name;
273#undef __TYPE_ENUM
274 };
276 //----- specialised registerers
277#define __TYPE_ENUM(type, map, default_val) \
278 template <> \
279 inline void LpairHandler::registerParameter<type>( \
280 const std::string& key, const std::string& description, type* def) { \
281 map[key] = Parameter<type>{key, description, def}; \
282 } \
283 template <> \
284 inline void LpairHandler::set<type>(const std::string& key, const type& value) { \
285 if (map.count(key)) \
286 *map.at(key).value = value; \
287 } \
288 template <> \
289 inline type LpairHandler::get(const std::string& key) const { \
290 if (map.count(key)) \
291 return *map.at(key).value; \
292 return default_val; \
293 }
295#undef __TYPE_ENUM
297 std::string LpairHandler::parameter(const std::string& key) const {
298#define __TYPE_ENUM(type, map, default_val) \
299 if (auto var = get<type>(key); var != default_val) \
300 return utils::toString(var);
302#undef __TYPE_ENUM
303 CG_ERROR("LpairHandler:parameter") << "Failed to retrieve a parameter with key '" << key << "'.";
304 return kInvalidStr;
305 }
307 void LpairHandler::init() {
308 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
309 // Process/integration/hadronisation parameters
310 registerParameter<std::string>("PROC", "Process name to simulate", &proc_name_);
311 registerParameter<std::string>("HADR", "Hadronisation algorithm", &evt_mod_name_);
312 registerParameter<std::string>("EVMD", "Events modification algorithms", &evt_mod_name_);
313 registerParameter<std::string>("OUTP", "Output module", &out_mod_name_);
314 registerParameter<std::string>("OUTF", "Output file name", &out_file_name_);
315 registerParameter<std::string>("ADDN", "Additional libraries to load", &addons_list_);
316 registerIntegratorParameter<std::string>("ITYP", "Integration algorithm", MODULE_NAME);
317 registerIntegratorParameter<int>("NTRT", "Smoothen the integrand", "treat");
318 registerIntegratorParameter<int>("NCVG", "Number of function calls", "numFunctionCalls");
319 registerIntegratorParameter<int>("ITVG", "Number of integration iterations", "iterations");
320 registerIntegratorParameter<int>("SEED", "Random generator seed", "seed");
322 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 // General parameters
324 registerParameter<int>("TIMR", "Enable the time ticker", &timer_);
325 registerParameter<int>("IEND", "Generation type", &iend_);
326 registerParameter<int>("DEBG", "Debugging verbosity", &log_level_);
327 registerParameter<int>("LOGE", "Extended logging", &ext_log_);
328 registerGenerationParameter<int>("NTHR", "Number of threads to use for events generation", "numThreads");
329 registerGenerationParameter<int>("NCSG", "Number of points to probe", "numPoints");
330 registerGenerationParameter<int>("NGEN", "Number of events to generate", "maxgen");
331 registerGenerationParameter<int>("NPRN", "Number of events before printout", "printEvery");
333 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
334 // Process-specific parameters
335 registerProcessParameter<int>("METH", "Computation method (kT-factorisation)", "method");
336 registerProcessParameter<int>("IPOL", "Polarisation states to consider", "polarisationStates");
338 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
339 // Process kinematics parameters
340 registerParameter<std::string>("KMRG", "KMR grid interpolation path", &kmr_grid_path_);
341 registerParameter<std::string>("MGRD", "MSTW grid interpolation path", &mstw_grid_path_);
342 registerParameter<std::string>("PDGI", "Input file for PDG information", &pdg_input_path_);
343 registerParameter<std::string>("PMOD", "Outgoing primary particles' mode", &pmod_);
344 registerParameter<std::string>("EMOD", "Outgoing primary particles' mode", &emod_);
345 registerParameter<int>("RTYP", "R-ratio computation type", &sr_type_);
346 registerProcessParameter<int>("PAIR", "Outgoing particles' PDG id", "pair");
347 registerKinematicsParameter<std::string>("FFAC", "Form factors for the incoming beams", "formFactors");
348 registerKinematicsParameter<int>("MODE", "Subprocess' mode", "mode");
349 registerKinematicsParameter<int>("INA1", "Heavy ion atomic weight (1st incoming beam)", "beam1A");
350 registerKinematicsParameter<int>("INZ1", "Heavy ion atomic number (1st incoming beam)", "beam1Z");
351 registerKinematicsParameter<int>("INA2", "Heavy ion atomic weight (2nd incoming beam)", "beam2A");
352 registerKinematicsParameter<int>("INZ2", "Heavy ion atomic number (2nd incoming beam)", "beam2Z");
353 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("INP1", "Momentum (1st primary particle)", "beam1pz");
354 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("INP2", "Momentum (2nd primary particle)", "beam2pz");
355 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("INPP", "Momentum (1st primary particle)", "beam1pz");
356 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("INPE", "Momentum (2nd primary particle)", "beam2pz");
357 registerKinematicsParameter<double>(
358 "PTCT", "Minimal transverse momentum (single central outgoing particle)", "ptmin");
359 registerKinematicsParameter<double>(
360 "PTMX", "Maximal transverse momentum (single central outgoing particle)", "ptmax");
361 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("MSCT", "Minimal central system mass", "invmassmin");
362 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("MSMX", "Maximal central system mass", "invmassmax");
363 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("ECUT", "Minimal energy (single central outgoing particle)", "energysummin");
364 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("ETMN", "Minimal pseudo-rapidity (central outgoing particles)", "etamin");
365 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("ETMX", "Maximal pseudo-rapidity (central outgoing particles)", "etamax");
366 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("YMIN", "Minimal rapidity (central outgoing particles)", "rapiditymin");
367 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("YMAX", "Maximal rapidity (central outgoing particles)", "rapiditymax");
368 registerKinematicsParameter<double>(
369 "PDMN", "Minimal transverse momentum difference (central outgoing particles)", "ptdiffmin");
370 registerKinematicsParameter<double>(
371 "PDMX", "Maximal transverse momentum difference (central outgoing particles)", "ptdiffmax");
372 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("Q2MN", "Minimal Q^2 = -q^2 (exchanged parton)", "q2min");
373 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("Q2MX", "Maximal Q^2 = -q^2 (exchanged parton)", "q2max");
374 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("QTMN", "Minimal Q_T (exchanged parton)", "qtmin");
375 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("QTMX", "Maximal Q_T (exchanged parton)", "qtmax");
376 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("MXMN", "Minimal invariant mass of proton remnants", "mxmin");
377 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("MXMX", "Maximal invariant mass of proton remnants", "mxmax");
378 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("XIMN", "Minimal fractional momentum loss of outgoing proton (xi)", "ximin");
379 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("XIMX", "Maximal fractional momentum loss of outgoing proton (xi)", "ximax");
380 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("YJMN", "Minimal remnant jet rapidity", "yjmin");
381 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("YJMX", "Maximal remnant jet rapidity", "yjmax");
383 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
384 // PPtoLL cards backward compatibility
385 registerIntegratorParameter<int>("NTREAT", "Smoothen the integrand", "treat");
386 registerIntegratorParameter<int>("ITMX", "Number of integration iterations", "iterations");
387 registerIntegratorParameter<int>("NCVG", "Number of function calls to perform", "numFunctionCalls");
388 registerProcessParameter<int>("METHOD", "Computation method (kT-factorisation)", "method");
389 registerParameter<int>("LEPTON", "Outgoing leptons' flavour", &lepton_id_);
390 registerKinematicsParameter<double>(
391 "PTMIN", "Minimal transverse momentum (single central outgoing particle)", "ptmin");
392 registerKinematicsParameter<double>(
393 "PTMAX", "Maximal transverse momentum (single central outgoing particle)", "ptmax");
394 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("Q1TMIN", "Minimal Q_T (exchanged parton)", "qtmin");
395 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("Q1TMAX", "Maximal Q_T (exchanged parton)", "qtmax");
396 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("Q2TMIN", "Minimal Q_T (exchanged parton)", "qtmin");
397 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("Q2TMAX", "Maximal Q_T (exchanged parton)", "qtmax");
398 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("MXMIN", "Minimal invariant mass of proton remnants", "mxmin");
399 registerKinematicsParameter<double>("MXMAX", "Maximal invariant mass of proton remnants", "mxmax");
400 }
402 LpairHandler& LpairHandler::setRunParameters(const RunParameters* params) {
404 const auto beam_mode = runParameters()->kinematics().incomingBeams().mode();
407 : (std::abs(runParameters()->kinematics().incomingBeams().positive().integerPdgId()) == PDG::electron
408 ? "1"
409 : "2");
412 : (std::abs(runParameters()->kinematics().incomingBeams().negative().integerPdgId()) == PDG::electron
413 ? "1"
414 : "2");
415 sr_type_ = runParameters()->kinematics().incomingBeams().structureFunctions().get<int>("sigmaRatio");
416 //kmr_grid_path_ = kmr::GluonGrid::get().path();
417 //mstw_grid_path_ =
418 //pdg_input_path_ =
419 iend_ = (int)runParameters()->generation().enabled();
420 log_level_ = (int)utils::Logger::get().level();
421 ext_log_ = utils::Logger::get().extended();
422 proc_name_ = runParameters()->processName();
423 proc_params_ += runParameters()->process().parameters();
424 if (proc_params_.has<ParticleProperties>("pair"))
425 proc_params_.set<int>("pair", proc_params_.get<ParticleProperties>("pair").pdgid);
426 if (proc_name_ == "pptoff" || proc_name_ == "pptoll" /* legacy */)
427 lepton_id_ = (runParameters()->process().parameters().get<int>("pair") - PDG::electron) / 2. + 1;
428 {
429 std::vector<std::string> evt_mod;
430 std::transform(runParameters()->eventModifiersSequence().begin(),
431 runParameters()->eventModifiersSequence().end(),
432 std::back_inserter(evt_mod),
433 [](const auto& mod) { return mod->name(); });
434 evt_mod_name_ = utils::merge(evt_mod, ",");
435 }
436 {
437 std::vector<std::string> out_mod, out_mod_file;
438 for (const auto& out : runParameters()->eventExportersSequence()) {
439 out_mod.emplace_back(out->name());
440 out_mod_file.emplace_back(out->parameters().get<std::string>("filename"));
441 }
442 out_mod_name_ = utils::merge(out_mod, ",");
443 out_file_name_ = utils::merge(out_mod_file, ",");
444 }
445 timer_ = (runParameters()->timeKeeper() != nullptr);
447 int_params_ += runParameters()->integrator();
448 gen_params_ += runParameters()->generation().parameters();
449 init();
450 return *this;
451 }
453 void LpairHandler::setParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) {
454 // particular case for the double as we cannot rely on casting exceptions
455 if (value.find('.') != std::string::npos)
456 try {
457 set<double>(key, std::stod(value));
458 return;
459 } catch (const std::logic_error&) {
460 for (const auto& let : value)
461 if (isalpha(let) && let != 'E' && let != 'e') {
462 set<std::string>(key, value);
463 return;
464 }
465 throw CG_FATAL("LpairHandler:setParameter")
466 << "Failed to parse a floating-point parameter \"" << key << "\" → \"" << value << "\"!";
467 }
468 try {
469 set<int>(key, std::stoi(value));
470 } catch (const std::logic_error&) {
471 try {
472 set<std::string>(key, value);
473 } catch (const std::logic_error&) {
474 throw CG_FATAL("LpairHandler:setParameter")
475 << "Failed to add the parameter \"" << key << "\" → \"" << value << "\"!";
476 }
477 }
478 }
479 } // namespace card
480} // namespace cepgen
#define REGISTER_CARD_HANDLER(name, obj)
Add a cards handler definition to the list of handled parsers.
#define CG_FATAL(mod)
Definition Exception.h:61
#define CG_ERROR(mod)
Definition Exception.h:60
static constexpr const char * kInvalidStr
static constexpr double kInvalidDbl
static constexpr int kInvalidInt
#define CG_WARNING(mod)
Definition Message.h:228
#define CG_INFO(mod)
Definition Message.h:216
const ParametersList & structureFunctions() const
Structure functions parameters.
mode::Kinematics mode() const
Type of kinematics to consider for the phase space.
IncomingBeams & incomingBeams()
Beam/primary particle kinematics.
Definition Kinematics.h:36
static constexpr double INVALID
Invalid value placeholder (single-edged or invalid limits)
Definition Limits.h:86
const std::string & name() const
Module unique indexing name.
Definition NamedModule.h:42
@ electron
Definition PDG.h:37
@ proton
Definition PDG.h:50
A description object for parameters collection.
std::string name(const std::string &def="") const
Retrieve the module name if any.
bool empty() const
Is the list empty?
T get(const std::string &key, const T &def=default_arg< T >::get()) const
Get a parameter value.
ParametersList & set(const std::string &, const T &)
Set a parameter value Set a recast parameter value.
bool enabled() const
Are we generating events?
List of parameters used to start and run the simulation job.
const Kinematics & kinematics() const
Events kinematics for phase space definition.
proc::Process & process()
Process object for cross-section computation/events generation.
utils::TimeKeeper * timeKeeper()
Pointer to a timekeeper instance.
void setProcess(std::unique_ptr< proc::Process >)
Set a process configuration.
std::string processName() const
Name of the process considered.
ParametersList & integrator()
Integrator specific user-defined parameters.
void addEventExporter(std::unique_ptr< EventExporter >)
Set a new output module definition.
void setTimeKeeper(utils::TimeKeeper *)
Initialise the timekeeper instance.
Generation & generation()
Event generation parameters.
virtual void setParameters(const ParametersList &params) override
Set module parameters.
const ParametersList & parameters() const override
Module user-defined parameters.
Base steering card module.
Definition Handler.h:31
virtual Handler & setRunParameters(const RunParameters *)
Specify runtime parameters.
Definition Handler.cpp:31
const RunParameters * runParameters() const
Parsed runtime parameters.
Definition Handler.h:45
static ParametersDescription description()
Definition Handler.cpp:36
LPAIR-like steering cards parser and writer.
void write(const std::string &filename) const override
Store a configuration into a LPAIR steering card.
LpairHandler & parseCommands(const std::vector< std::string > &commands) override
Read configuration from command strings.
static ParametersDescription description()
LpairHandler & parseFile(const std::string &filename) override
Read configuration from steering card.
LpairHandler(const ParametersList &params)
Read a LPAIR steering card.
Logging threshold for the output stream.
Definition Logger.h:44
static Logger & get(std::ostream *=nullptr)
Retrieve the running instance of the logger.
Definition Logger.cpp:31
bool extended() const
Also show extended information?
Definition Logger.h:54
void setLevel(Level level)
Set the logging threshold.
Definition Logger.h:52
Level level() const
Logging threshold.
Definition Logger.h:50
void setExtended(bool ext=true)
Set the extended information flag.
Definition Logger.h:56
Collection of clocks to benchmark execution blocks.
Definition TimeKeeper.h:35
static GluonGrid & get(const cepgen::ParametersList &params={})
Retrieve the grid interpolator (singleton)
Definition GluonGrid.cpp:27
static void parse(const std::string &path)
Parse an external MCD file and retrieve all particles definition.
Type of scattering.
Definition Modes.h:28
@ ElasticElastic
proton-proton elastic case
@ InelasticElastic
proton-proton single-dissociative (or elastic-inelastic) case
@ InelasticInelastic
proton-proton double-dissociative case
@ ElasticInelastic
proton-proton single-dissociative (or inelastic-elastic) case
std::string format(const std::string &fmt, Args... args)
Format a string using a printf style format descriptor.
Definition String.h:61
std::string trim(const std::string &str)
Trim leading and trailing spaces.
Definition String.h:174
std::string readFile(const std::string &filename)
Read the content of a file into a string buffer.
bool positive(const T &val)
Check if a number is positive and finite.
Definition Math.cpp:26
bool fileExists(const std::string &path)
Check if the file exists.
std::string merge(const std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &delim)
Merge a collection of a printable type in a single string.
Definition String.cpp:248
std::vector< std::string > split(const std::string &str, char delim, bool trim)
Split a string according to a separation character.
Definition String.cpp:233
Common namespace for this Monte Carlo generator.
bool loadLibrary(const std::string &path, bool match)
Import a shared library in RTE Launch the initialisation procedure.
const char *const MODULE_NAME
Indexing key for the module name Parameters container.