cepgen is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
CepGen 1.2.5
Central exclusive processes event generator
No Matches
ROOTCanvas Member List

This is the complete list of members for ROOTCanvas, including all inherited members.

AddLegendEntry(const TObject *obj, const std::string &title, Option_t *option="lpf")ROOTCanvas
Make(Args &&... args)ROOTCanvas
Place(TLegend *leg, const Option_t *mode="lt")ROOTCanvas
Prettify(TH1 *obj)ROOTCanvas
Prettify(THStack *hs)ROOTCanvas
Prettify(TMultiGraph *mg)ROOTCanvas
RatioPlot(TH1 *denom, const std::vector< TH1 * > &numers, double xmin=-999., double xmax=-999., double ymin=-999., double ymax=-999., Option_t *draw_style="hist")ROOTCanvas
RatioPlot(TGraphErrors *denom, const std::vector< TGraphErrors * > &numers, double xmin=-999., double xmax=-999., double ymin=-999., double ymax=-999.)ROOTCanvas
ROOTCanvas(const std::string &name, const std::string &title="", bool ratio=false)ROOTCanvasexplicit
Save(const std::string &ext, const std::string &out_dir=".")ROOTCanvas
SetGrid(int x=1, int y=1)ROOTCanvas
SetLegendMode(const std::string &mode)ROOTCanvas
SetLegendX1(double x)ROOTCanvas
SetLegendY1(double y)ROOTCanvas
SetLogx(int log=1)ROOTCanvas
SetLogy(int log=1)ROOTCanvas
SetLogz(int log=1)ROOTCanvas
SetSize(double size=600)ROOTCanvas
SetTopLabel(const std::string &lab)ROOTCanvas