cepgen is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
CepGen 1.2.5
Central exclusive processes event generator
No Matches
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 Python steering attributes and helpersA collection of tools for Python steering cards definition
 Collinear factorised processesA collection of useful objects for the definition of a general collinear parton momentum-factorised process steering card
 Pythia 6 hadronisation moduleBase Pythia 6 configuration parameters to define the hadronisation module
 Pythia 8 hadronisation moduleBase Pythia 8 configuration parameters to define the hadronisation module
 kt-factorised processesA collection of objects for the definition of a general \(k_{\rm T}\)-factorised process
 AlphaEM modules steering
 AlphaS modules steering
 EventModifiers modules steering
 FormFactors modules steering
 Integrators modules steering
 OutputModules modules steering
 PartonFluxes modules steering
 Processes modules steering
 RandomGenerators modules steering
 StructureFunctions modules steering
 Python numerical integrator algorithms interfaces