cepgen is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
CepGen 1.2.5
Central exclusive processes event generator
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CAbortHandlerObject handling an user-driven process abortion
 CArgumentsParserA generic command line arguments parser
 CDrawable::AxisInfoMetadata for an axis
 CBreitWignerA Breit-Wigner/Cauchy distribution generator
 CCallerExternal command piping utility
 CCepGenEventAll useful information about a generated event
 CCepGenRunAll useful information about a generation run
 CDrawable::CompareAxisByValueComparator of an axis by the values it holds
 CConstantsGeneral physics constants
 CDrawable::coord_tGeneric bin coordinate and its human-readable label
 CDrawableA generic object which can be drawn in the standard output
 CElectronFluxType of parton (from electron) flux modelling
 CElectronFluxType of parton (from electron) flux modelling
 CEnumHash< T >A hasher table for an enumeration
 CEventContainer for the information on the in- and outgoing particles' kinematics
 CEventBrowserA user-friendly browser for the Event content
 CEventInterfaceInterface to the Pythia 6 event content
 CEventKinematicsSingle event kinematics
 CFormFactorsForm factors values
 CFunction1DWrapper to a 1-dimensional function with optional parameters
 CGeneratorCore generator object allowing for process definition, cross section computation, and event generation
 CGenParametersGeneric run parameters
 CGridHandler< D, N >A generic class for \(\mathbb{R}^D\mapsto\mathbb{R}^N\) grid interpolation
 CGridHandler< 1, 1 >
 CGridHandler< 1, 2 >
 CGridHandler< 2, 2 >
 CGridHandler< 3, 1 >
 CGridParametersA parameters placeholder for the grid integration helper
 CGslRngEngineGSL random number generator engine
 CHasher< T, bool >A hasher table for a given structure
 CHasher< T, true >A hasher table for a given structure
 CGrid::header_tGrid header information as parsed from the file
 CHeavyIonHeavy ion container (Z+A)
 CHeavyIonFluxType of parton (from heavy ion) flux modelling
 CHeavyIonFluxType of parton (from heavy ion) flux modelling
 CHistogramGeneric text-based plotting utility
 CPDG::IdA class-in-the-middle PDG identifier for printout operations
 CIntegrandAn integrand wrapper placeholder
 CKinCutsPhase space cuts for event kinematics
 CNachtmannAmplitudes::KinematicsHelper container to handle all kinematics variables computation once
 CResonanceObject::KinematicsBlockKinematics needed for threshold relativistic B-W
 CKTKinematicsKinematics properties of the \(k_{\rm T}\)-factorised process
 CLoggerGeneral purposes logger
 CLoggingLogging verbosity
 CMatrixA \(n\times m\) matrix object
 CMCDFileParserA MCD files parsing module
 CMessageA generic message type
 CModuleFactory< T >A generic factory to build modules
 CCLAS::ParametersList of steering parameters for a physics case
 CParametersDescription::ParameterValuesA collection of valid values for a given parameter
 CParticleKinematic information for one particle
 CPartonFluxFactoryA generic parton fluxes objects factory
 CPDGA singleton holding all physics constants associated to particles
 CPiperExternal command piping utility
 CPrintHelperHelper class for the pretty-printing of configuration parameters
 CProcessModeTypes of processes supported
 CProgressBarA simple progress indicator
 CProtonFluxType of parton (from proton) flux modelling
 CProtonFluxType of parton (from proton) flux modelling
 CCLAS::Parameters::ResonancePhysical properties associated to a resonance
 CGrid::sfval_tStructure functions value at a given \(Q^2/x_{\rm Bj}\) coordinate
 CSigmaRatioR-ratio computation method
 CSteerableBase runtime module object
 CTimeKeeper::TickerScoped timekeeping utility
 CTimeKeeperCollection of clocks to benchmark execution blocks
 CTimerA generic timer to extract the processing time between two steps in this software's flow
 CValueA scalar value with its uncertainty
 CversionCollection of CepGen version information handlers