LPAIR-like steering cards#

The second (and simplest one), inherited from LPAIR and PPtoLL, only allows to set a well-defined set of parameters through a key → value scheme. All keys currently handled by this parser are listed below, along with their default value (if not retrieved from the steering card).

General parameters#

  • PROC: Process to generate (complete list here)

  • MODE (default: 1 = elastic-elastic): Subprocess’ mode

  • NGEN (default: 0): Number of unweighted events to generate

  • NTRT (default: 1): Flag to specify if the integrant is required to be smoothed

  • DEBG (default: 2 = warning): Debugging verbosity

Vegas integration parameters#

  • NCVG (default: 1D5): Number of function calls

  • NCSG (default: 100): Number of points to probe

  • ITVG (default: 10): Number of iterations for the integration

Output module parameters#

  • OUTP (default: none): Type of output module to configure

  • OUTF (default: none, module-dependent): Output file name

Kinematics parameters#

Incoming state#

  • IN1P|INPP (default: 6500.0): First incoming particle’s momentum, in GeV

  • IN2P|INPE (default: 6500.0): Second incoming particle’s momentum, in GeV

  • PMOD (default: 2 = elastic): First incoming particle’s remnant mode or structure functions modelling

  • EMOD (default: 2 = elastic): Second incoming particle’s remnant mode or structure functions modelling

  • Q2MN&Q2MX (default: 0.01D5): Q² range for the exchanged parton, in GeV²

Central system#

  • PAIR (default: 13 = μ): Outgoing leptons’ PDG identifier

  • PTCT (default: 3.0): Minimal transverse momentum for any single central particle, in GeV/c

  • MSCT (default: 0.0): Minimal central system mass, in GeV/c²

  • ECUT (default: 0.0): Minimal energy for any single central particle, in GeV

  • ETMN&ETMX (default: -2.52.5): Pseudo-rapidity range for central outgoing particles

  • YMIN&YMAX (default: -5.05.0): Rapidity range for central outgoing particles

Outgoing protons / remnants#

  • HADR: Hadronisation algorithm

  • MXMN & MXMX (default: 1.07 =mp+mπ0320.0): Invariant mass range of proton remnants, in GeV/c²

  • XIMN & XIMX (default: 0.01.0): Fractional longitudinal momentum loss ξ=Δp/p

    Added in version 0.9.2.

Configuration card example#

The generation of 100k single-dissociative γγμ+μ events at 13 TeV with the LPAIR matrix element implementation with the following phase space cuts:

  • pT(μ±)> 25 GeV, |η(μ±)|< 2.5

  • 1.07 <MX< 1000 GeV

can be steered using the following card:

PROC lpair
MODE 3      ! inelastic-elastic
PAIR 13     ! muons
IN1P 6500.
IN2P 6500.
PMOD 11     ! Suri-Yennie
PTCT 25.
ETMN -2.5
ETMX 2.5
MXMN 1.07
MXMX 1000.
NGEN 100000 ! generate 100k events
OUTP lhef
OUTF lpair-example.lhe

This configuration is equivalent to the Python card shown here.