Output formats#
In CepGen, the event (particles, their parentage and kinematics) is handled through the cepgen::Event
object described in the dedicated event format page.
To ease the user interaction with this object, a few output writers (defined here as “handlers”) are given as examples. All handlers are defined as modules derivating from the following abstract base class:
class EventExporter : public EventHandler#
Subclassed by DelphesHandler, EventHarvester, HepMC2Handler< T >, HepMC3Handler< T >, LHEFHepMCHandler, ProMCHandler, ROOTHistsHandler, TextEventHandler, TextVariablesHandler, YODAHistsHandler< T >, LHEFHandler, EventExporter
Click to show
class EventExporter : public EventHandler
Output format handler for events export.
- Author
Laurent Forthomme laurent.forthomme@cern.ch
- Date
Sep 2016
Subclassed by DelphesHandler, EventHarvester, HepMC2Handler< T >, HepMC3Handler< T >, LHEFHepMCHandler, ProMCHandler, ROOTHistsHandler, TextEventHandler, TextVariablesHandler, YODAHistsHandler< T >, LHEFHandler, EventExporter
Public Functions
inline virtual void setCrossSection(const Value&)
Specify the cross section value, in pb.
inline void setEventNumber(unsigned long long ev_id)
Set event number.
virtual bool operator<<(const Event&) = 0
Writer operator.
void initialise(const RunParameters&)
Initialise the handler and its inner parameterisation.
const RunParameters &runParameters() const
List of run parameters.
template<typename T>
inline T *engine() Retrieve the engine object.
inline const std::string &name() const
Module unique indexing name.
inline bool operator==(const SteeredObject &oth) const
Equality operator.
inline bool operator!=(const SteeredObject &oth) const
Inequality operator.
inline virtual const ParametersList ¶meters() const override
Module user-defined parameters.
inline virtual void setParameters(const ParametersList ¶ms) override
Set module parameters.
inline void setDescribedParameters(const ParametersList ¶ms_orig)
Set (documented) module parameters.
A full list of the output modules currently supported in CepGen addons, along with their user-steerable parameters, can be found here.
Event harvester#
Added in version 1.0.0.
class EventHarvester : public EventExporter#
Subclassed by GnuplotHarvester, MatplotlibHarvester, TextHarvester, TopdrawerHarvester
This simplest case of an output module allows to generate integrated histograms of kinematic variables, fully configurable by the user.
Using the Python steering cards definition, a dictionary histVariables
of variable-indexed cepgen.Parameters
objects is fed to the output
A valid implementation of such objects requires a set of attributes depending on the type of distribution requested by the user.
If the variable string contains one :
, a 2D distribution is automatically booked for the two variables around it.
Otherwise, a 1D distribution is assumed.
These attributes are, namely for 1-dimensional histograms:
a number of bins
, ornbinsX
, anda range (
) of interest for the variable, or a set of bins in axbins
Python list
and for 2-dimensional distributions:
the two
number of bins, andthe two ranges (
, andlowY
) of interest for the variables, or equivalently one or two sets of bins inxbins
As an example, equivalently to vars
output defined above, the following output
block may be used for a text
output histogram with kinematics equivalent to the lpair
histVariables = {
# 1D histogram (pt of central system)
'pt(4)': cepgen.Parameters(nbins=10, xrange=(0., 20.)),
# 1D histogram (outgoing proton mass)
'm(5)': cepgen.Parameters(xbins=[float(bin) for bin in range(0, 20, 1)]),
# 2D histogram (central system rapidity vs. mass)
'y(cs):m(cs)': cepgen.Parameters(nbinsX=10, xrange=(-10., 10.),
nbinxY=10, yrange=(0., 400.)),
save = False,
show = True
To quote a few introduced since v1 of CepGen, the following plotters are handled for harvesters:
, on systems which handle a working version of thegnuplot
executable documented here, and for which the command line piper works,matplotlib
, in case the C++ wrapper of the matplotlib,text
, for the CepGen-specific terminal-based text histogram drawer, introduced as an overlay of the GSL histogramming capability.
Other types of output modules#
In this page you will find a list of all currently supported output formats, covering a broad spectrum of usages, both in the phenomenological and experimental communities. Please note that this list is under constant evolution, you may contact us with requests for additional interfacing capabilities.
A simple text-based event dumper, useful for debugging the process and its kinematics, is steered using the cepgen::TextEventHandler module.
class TextEventHandler : public EventExporter#
This output format handles the conversion into the Les Houches standard definition. Currently, two implementations of this export module exist:
Pythia 8
LHEF output module (described here) as the default handler, cepgen::LHEFPythiaHandler,Warning
doxygenclass: Cannot find class “cepgen::LHEFPythiaHandler” in doxygen xml output for project “CepGen” from directory: /Documentation/build/xml
HepMC (v≥3)
implementation, cepgen::LHEFHepMCHandler.-
class LHEFHepMCHandler : public EventExporter#
class LHEFHepMCHandler : public EventExporter#
, hepmc2_ascii
, …#
template<typename T>
class HepMC2Handler : public EventExporter#
This handler allows to translate the CepGen event record into one (or multiple) implementation(s) of the version 2 of the HepMC [DH01] ASCII output format.
By default, this version is used in older releases. It allows a hepmc2
output format to be supported.
, hepmc_root
, hepevt
, …#
template<typename T>
class HepMC3Handler : public EventExporter#
This handler allows to translate the CepGen event record into one (or multiple) implementation(s) of the version 3 of the HepMC [DH01] ASCII output format.
By default, the version 3 of the file format is chosen for versions of HepMC
starting from v3.1.0
It may be updated with future derivatives of the HepMC writer base class.
Alternatively, as from this version 3.1.0
of HepMC
, the following output formats are also handled:
ASCII format using the HepMC3::WriterHEPEVT handler,a
format using the HepMC3::WriterRoot export module,a
using the HepMC3::WriterRootTree module.
Added in version 0.9.8.
class ProMCHandler : public EventExporter#
The support has been added for the ProMC highly compressed output format.
Added in version 1.0.0.
class TextVariablesHandler : public EventExporter#
This simplest case of an output module allows to generate a generic (ASCII) output format along with raw text histograms of kinematic variables, fully configurable by the user.
Using the Python steering cards definition, a list of variables to be stored is defined through the variables
list/array of string-typed definition.
For this text output format, the default behaviour is storing one event per line with variables separated with an user-parameterisable separator (separator
string parameter, default is the standard tabulation \t
The variable (here, var
is used as an example) may be defined using the cepgen::utils::EventBrowser string-to-method conventions described in the Event content definition page.
Two extra boolean parameters may also be fed to the module configuration:
, to enable/disable the CepGen banner printout (containing useful information about the process and cuts definition), andsaveVariables
, to show/hide the list of variables used in this file.
As an example, the following output
block may be used for a 2-to-4 process such as lpair
filename = 'test.txt',
variables = [
'm(4)', # central two-photon/central system mass
'pt(cs)', # central two-photon/central system transverse momentum
'pt(6)' # first outgoing central system particle transverse momentum
saveBanner = False,
saveVariables = True,
separator = ' ', # single space
, root_tree
Added in version 0.9.7.
Previously used in dedicated test executables, resp. test_distributions
and cepgen-root
These two modules module allow to produce a ROOT [BR97] file containing either:
a list of histograms (stored as ROOT
objects) provided as an input for the earlier:-
class ROOTHistsHandler : public EventExporter#
class ROOTHistsHandler : public EventExporter#
or a set of events and run information (stored as ROOT
objects) for the latter:Warning
doxygenclass: Cannot find class “cepgen::ROOTTreeHandler” in doxygen xml output for project “CepGen” from directory: /Documentation/build/xml
The histogramming utilitary follows the same procedure as introduced for the cepgen::TextHandler module above to define the histograms list.
As an example, the following output
block may be used:
filename = 'output.hists.root',
variables = {
'pt(4)': cepgen.Parameters(nbins=10, xrange=(0., 20.)),
'm(5)': cepgen.Parameters(nbins=10, xrange=(0., 100.)),
'y(cs)': cepgen.Parameters(nbins=10, xrange=(-10., 10.)),
The tree handler may be used in parallel to the two ROOT::CepGenRun and ROOT::CepGenEvent helper reader objects for a compact analysis workflow:
Click to show
class CepGenRun#
All useful information about a generation run.
Public Functions
void clear()#
Reinitialise the run tree.
void create()#
Populate the run tree.
inline TTree *tree()#
Retrieve the ROOT tree.
void fill()#
Fill the run tree.
Public Members
double sqrt_s = {-1.}#
Centre of mass energy for beam particles.
double xsect = {-1.}#
Process cross section, in pb.
double errxsect = {-1.}#
Uncertainty on process cross section, in pb.
unsigned int num_events = {0}#
Number of events generated in run.
unsigned int litigious_events = {0}#
Number of litigious events in run.
std::string process_name#
Unique name of the process generated in this run.
std::string process_parameters#
Serialised process parameters.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr const char *TREE_NAME = "run"#
Output tree name.
void clear()#
class CepGenEvent#
All useful information about a generated event.
Public Functions
void clear()#
Reinitialise the event content.
inline TTree *tree()#
Retrieve the ROOT tree.
void create()#
Populate the tree and all associated branches.
void attach()#
Attach the event tree reader to a tree.
void attach(TFile *f, const std::string &events_tree = TREE_NAME)#
Attach the event tree reader to a file Attach the event tree reader to a file.
void fill(const cepgen::Event&, bool compress = false)#
Fill the tree with a new event.
bool next(cepgen::Event&)#
Read the next event in the file.
void clear()#
Added in version 0.9.7.
An interface to the Delphes [dFDD+14] fast simulation framework is provided through the CepGenDelphes
add-on implemented here.
Beside the usual filename
flag specifying the file name Delphes will use for its output, a path to the Tcl configuration card is also required to steer the output module through the inputCard
string parameter.
Please refer to the Delphes manual and comprehensive list of examples for more information on the steering of the detector simulation.