MadGraph5_aMC@NLO interface#
Added in version 1.2.0.
A CepGen interface to the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO
(here abbreviated as MG5_aMC
) matrix element framework described in [AFF+14] was developed to generalise the two-photon (and central exclusive) processes production to advanced final states and interactions.
It relies on the standalone_cpp
output mode introduced in version 2.9.10 to be used as an extension to Pythia 8.
The CepGen addon module, CepGenMadGraph
requires a valid installation of MG5_aMC
in the search path (MADGRAPH_DIR
environment variable) at configuration/build time.
Once loaded in the runtime environment manager, the mg5_aMC
process type is handled with its standard parameters (see this summary page for a detailed description of these parameters).
For instance, the generation of a
process = cepgen.Module('mg5_aMC',
processParameters = cepgen.Parameters(
model = 'sm-full',
process = 'a a > mu+ mu-',
mode = cepgen.ProcessMode.ElasticElastic
inKinematics = cepgen.Parameters(
pdgIds = (PDG.proton, PDG.proton),
sqrtS = 13.6e3 # in GeV
outKinematics = cepgen.Parameters(
qt = (0., 10.),
pt = (25.,)
As seen above, the process.processParameters.process
and process.processParameters.model
strings are handling the MG5_aMC
process to be generated, and the physics model considered in the operation.
The addon will directly call the MG5_aMC
executable to produce a CepGen-compatible runtime library through the specialisation of a cepgen::MadGraphProcess interface object.
Therefore, a MadGraph-generated process shared library can be shipped by processes developers and used with any compatible version of CepGen to compute a cross section or generate events according to kinematic constraints.
As for any factorised process (as pptoff
and pptoww
), both