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CepGen 1.2.5
Central exclusive processes event generator
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * CepGen: a central exclusive processes event generator
3 * Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Laurent Forthomme
4 *
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 * any later version.
9 *
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 */
19#ifndef CepGen_Utils_Algebra_h
20#define CepGen_Utils_Algebra_h
22#include <gsl/gsl_matrix_double.h>
24#include <initializer_list>
25#include <memory>
27namespace cepgen {
28 class Vector;
29 class VectorRef;
31 class Matrix {
32 public:
36 explicit Matrix(size_t num_rows, size_t num_cols);
39 Matrix(const std::initializer_list<Vector>& vecs);
41 Matrix(const Matrix&);
42 Matrix& operator=(const Matrix&);
43 operator Vector() const;
48 static Matrix zero(size_t num_rows, size_t num_cols = 0ull);
53 static Matrix uniform(size_t num_rows, size_t num_cols, double value = 1.);
54 static Matrix identity(size_t);
55 static Matrix diagonal(const Vector&);
57 size_t numColumns() const;
58 size_t numRows() const;
60 bool operator==(const Matrix&) const;
61 inline bool operator!=(const Matrix& oth) const { return !(operator==(oth)); }
68 Matrix subset(size_t min_y, size_t min_x, size_t max_y = 0ull, size_t max_x = 0ull) const;
70 Matrix& operator*=(double);
71 Matrix& operator*=(const Vector&);
72 Matrix& operator*=(const Matrix&);
73 Matrix& operator/=(double);
74 Matrix operator-() const;
75 Matrix& operator+=(const Matrix&);
76 Matrix& operator-=(const Matrix&);
77 double& operator()(size_t, size_t);
78 double operator()(size_t, size_t) const;
80 Vector operator%(const Vector&) const;
82 friend Matrix operator*(double, const Matrix&);
83 friend Matrix operator*(const Matrix&, double);
84 friend Vector operator*(const Matrix&, const Vector&);
85 friend Matrix operator*(const Matrix&, const Matrix&);
86 friend Matrix operator/(const Matrix&, double);
87 friend Matrix operator+(const Matrix&, const Matrix&);
88 friend Matrix operator-(const Matrix&, const Matrix&);
90 typedef std::pair<size_t, size_t> Indices;
91 Indices imin() const;
92 Indices imax() const;
94 double min() const;
95 double max() const;
97 bool null() const;
98 bool positive() const;
99 bool negative() const;
100 bool nonNegative() const;
102 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Matrix&);
104 Matrix& truncate(double min = 1.e-14);
106 Matrix& transpose();
107 Matrix transposed() const;
108 Matrix& invert();
109 Matrix inverted() const;
111 VectorRef column(size_t);
112 Vector column(size_t) const;
113 VectorRef row(size_t);
114 Vector row(size_t) const;
116 Vector diagonal() const;
118 private:
119 std::unique_ptr<gsl_matrix, void (*)(gsl_matrix*)> gsl_mat_;
120 };
122 class VectorRef : public gsl_vector_view {
123 public:
124 VectorRef(const gsl_vector_view&);
126 VectorRef& operator=(const Vector&);
127 operator Vector() const;
128 bool operator==(const Vector&) const;
129 inline bool operator!=(const Vector& vec) const { return !operator==(vec); }
130 double& operator()(size_t);
131 double operator()(size_t) const;
132 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const VectorRef&);
134 private:
135 friend class Vector;
136 };
139 class Vector : public Matrix {
140 public:
144 explicit Vector(size_t num_coord, double def = 0.);
145 Vector(const std::initializer_list<double>&);
146 Vector(const VectorRef&);
147 Vector(const gsl_vector_const_view&);
149 size_t size() const;
154 Vector subset(size_t min, size_t max = 0ull) const;
156 double& operator()(size_t);
157 double operator()(size_t) const;
158 double dot(const Vector&) const;
159 Vector cross(const Vector&) const;
161 friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Vector&);
162 };
163} // namespace cepgen
A matrix object.
Definition Algebra.h:31
Matrix & operator-=(const Matrix &)
Subtraction of another matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:131
bool nonNegative() const
Is the matrix non-negative-defined?
Definition Algebra.cpp:184
Indices imax() const
Index (row, column) of the maximum matrix element.
Definition Algebra.cpp:168
Matrix operator-() const
Unary inverse operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:124
Vector operator%(const Vector &) const
Solving operator (from LU decomposition)
Definition Algebra.cpp:136
Matrix inverted() const
Return the inverse of this matrix (LU decomposition)
Definition Algebra.cpp:221
Indices imin() const
Index (row, column) of the minimum matrix element.
Definition Algebra.cpp:162
friend Matrix operator*(double, const Matrix &)
Multiplication of a matrix by a scalar.
Definition Algebra.cpp:249
VectorRef column(size_t)
Return whole column of the matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:225
Matrix transposed() const
Return a transposition of this matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:206
Matrix & operator*=(double)
Multiplication by a scalar operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:107
bool null() const
Is the matrix uniformly null?
Definition Algebra.cpp:178
std::pair< size_t, size_t > Indices
Definition Algebra.h:90
Matrix & operator+=(const Matrix &)
Addition of another matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:126
Matrix subset(size_t min_y, size_t min_x, size_t max_y=0ull, size_t max_x=0ull) const
Extract a subset of the matrix as a new object.
Definition Algebra.cpp:98
friend Matrix operator+(const Matrix &, const Matrix &)
Addition of two matrices.
Definition Algebra.cpp:237
double min() const
Minimum matrix element.
Definition Algebra.cpp:174
static Matrix zero(size_t num_rows, size_t num_cols=0ull)
Build a zero'ed matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:67
Matrix & operator/=(double)
Division by a scalar operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:122
Matrix & truncate(double min=1.e-14)
Truncate (specify minimum non-zero value) for all matrix components.
Definition Algebra.cpp:186
bool negative() const
Is the matrix negative-defined?
Definition Algebra.cpp:182
static Matrix uniform(size_t num_rows, size_t num_cols, double value=1.)
Build a uniform matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:75
bool operator!=(const Matrix &oth) const
Inequality operator.
Definition Algebra.h:61
static Matrix identity(size_t)
Build a (square) identity matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:81
Matrix & operator=(const Matrix &)
Assignment operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:52
Matrix & transpose()
Transpose the matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:196
bool positive() const
Is the matrix positive-defined?
Definition Algebra.cpp:180
double max() const
Maximum matrix element.
Definition Algebra.cpp:176
bool operator==(const Matrix &) const
Equality operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:105
VectorRef row(size_t)
Return whole row of the matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:229
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const Matrix &)
Printout of matrix components.
Definition Algebra.cpp:277
Matrix & invert()
Invert the matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:208
size_t numColumns() const
Number of (vertical) columns.
Definition Algebra.cpp:94
double & operator()(size_t, size_t)
Component access operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:148
size_t numRows() const
Number of (horizontal) rows.
Definition Algebra.cpp:96
VectorRef diagonal()
Return the diagonal components of the matrix.
Definition Algebra.cpp:233
friend Matrix operator/(const Matrix &, double)
Division of a matrix by a scalar.
Definition Algebra.cpp:275
bool operator==(const Vector &) const
Equality with a vector operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:297
VectorRef & operator=(const Vector &)
Assignment operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:289
double & operator()(size_t)
Component access operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:299
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const VectorRef &)
Printout operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:303
friend class Vector
Definition Algebra.h:135
bool operator!=(const Vector &vec) const
Inequality with a vector operator.
Definition Algebra.h:129
Specialisation of a matrix.
Definition Algebra.h:139
Vector subset(size_t min, size_t max=0ull) const
Extract a subset of the vector.
Definition Algebra.cpp:327
size_t size() const
Vector multiplicity (number of lines)
Definition Algebra.cpp:325
double dot(const Vector &) const
Scalar product of two vectors.
Definition Algebra.cpp:333
double & operator()(size_t)
Component access operator.
Definition Algebra.cpp:329
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const Vector &)
Printout of vector components.
Definition Algebra.cpp:357
Vector cross(const Vector &) const
Vector product of two vectors.
Definition Algebra.cpp:345
Common namespace for this Monte Carlo generator.