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CepGen 1.2.5
Central exclusive processes event generator
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FortranInterface.cpp File Reference
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void cepgen_structure_functions_ (int &sfmode, double &xbj, double &q2, double &f2, double &fl)
 Expose structure functions calculators to Fortran.
double cepgen_kt_flux_ (int &fmode, double &x, double &kt2, int &sfmode, double &min, double &mout)
 Compute a \(k_{\rm T}\)-dependent flux for single nucleons.
double cepgen_kt_flux_hi_ (int &fmode, double &x, double &kt2, int &a, int &z)
 Compute a \(k_{\rm T}\)-dependent flux for heavy ions.
double cepgen_particle_mass_ (int &pdg_id)
 Mass of a particle, in GeV/c^2.
double cepgen_particle_charge_ (int &pdg_id)
 Charge of a particle, in e.
double cepgen_particle_colour_ (int &pdg_id)
 Colour factor of a particle.
void cepgen_init_ ()
void cepgen_debug_ (char *str, int size)
void cepgen_warning_ (char *str, int size)
void cepgen_error_ (char *str, int size)
void cepgen_fatal_ (char *str, int size)
double cepgen_alphas_ (char *str, double &q, int size)
double cepgen_alphaem_ (char *str, double &q, int size)


static std::unordered_map< int, std::unique_ptr< cepgen::strfun::Parameterisation > > kBuiltStrFunsParameterisations
static std::unordered_map< int, std::unique_ptr< cepgen::KTFlux > > kBuiltKtFluxParameterisations
static std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< cepgen::Coupling > > kBuiltAlphaSParameterisations
static std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< cepgen::Coupling > > kBuiltAlphaEMParameterisations

Function Documentation

◆ cepgen_alphaem_()

double cepgen_alphaem_ ( char *  str,
double &  q,
int  size 

Definition at line 136 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_alphas_()

double cepgen_alphas_ ( char *  str,
double &  q,
int  size 

Definition at line 127 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_debug_()

void cepgen_debug_ ( char *  str,
int  size 

Definition at line 119 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_error_()

void cepgen_error_ ( char *  str,
int  size 

Definition at line 123 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_fatal_()

void cepgen_fatal_ ( char *  str,
int  size 

Definition at line 125 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_init_()

void cepgen_init_ ( )

Definition at line 117 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_kt_flux_()

double cepgen_kt_flux_ ( int &  fmode,
double &  x,
double &  kt2,
int &  sfmode,
double &  min,
double &  mout 
[in]fmodeFlux mode
[in]xFractional momentum loss
[in]kt2The \(k_{\rm T}\) transverse momentum norm
[in]sfmodeStructure functions set for dissociative emission
[in]minIncoming particle mass
[in]moutDiffractive state mass for dissociative emission

Definition at line 56 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_kt_flux_hi_()

double cepgen_kt_flux_hi_ ( int &  fmode,
double &  x,
double &  kt2,
int &  a,
int &  z 
[in]fmodeFlux mode
[in]xFractional momentum loss
[in]kt2The \(k_{\rm T}\) transverse momentum norm
[in]aMass number for the heavy ion
[in]zAtomic number for the heavy ion

Definition at line 79 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_particle_charge_()

double cepgen_particle_charge_ ( int &  pdg_id)

Definition at line 98 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_particle_colour_()

double cepgen_particle_colour_ ( int &  pdg_id)

Definition at line 108 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_particle_mass_()

double cepgen_particle_mass_ ( int &  pdg_id)

Definition at line 88 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_structure_functions_()

void cepgen_structure_functions_ ( int &  sfmode,
double &  xbj,
double &  q2,
double &  f2,
double &  fl 

Definition at line 40 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ cepgen_warning_()

void cepgen_warning_ ( char *  str,
int  size 

Definition at line 121 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ kBuiltAlphaEMParameterisations

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<cepgen::Coupling> > kBuiltAlphaEMParameterisations

Definition at line 34 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ kBuiltAlphaSParameterisations

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<cepgen::Coupling> > kBuiltAlphaSParameterisations

Definition at line 33 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ kBuiltKtFluxParameterisations

std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<cepgen::KTFlux> > kBuiltKtFluxParameterisations

Definition at line 32 of file FortranInterface.cpp.

◆ kBuiltStrFunsParameterisations

std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<cepgen::strfun::Parameterisation> > kBuiltStrFunsParameterisations

Definition at line 31 of file FortranInterface.cpp.