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Diffractive vector meson production

Diffractive vector meson production#

The \(ep\)-induced \(\gamma^{(\ast)}\Pom\rightarrow\) vector meson production process may be selected from the diffvm label. It was designed for HERA physics cases, hence the asymmetric electron-proton initial beam kinematics.

Process-specific options#

  • vmFlavour: PDG id of the VM produced

  • vmMode: vector meson production mode, protonMode: proton side emission type

    • BeamMode.GluonFragmentation := -1

    • BeamMode.Elastic := 0

    • BeamMode.StandardFragmentation := 1

    • BeamMode.NucleonPionsDecay := 2

  • photonMode: photon emission type

    • PhotonMode.Fixed := -1

    • PhotonMode.InvK := 0

    • PhotonMode.WWA := 1

    • PhotonMode.ABTSmith = 2

    • PhotonMode.AandS := 3

Furthermore, the following parameters can be steered in this process:


  • wb0 is the \(w _ {\gamma p}\) centre-of-mass energy (in GeV) at which b0 \(=b_0\) was measured

  • amxb0 is the mass \(M_X\) of the diffractively dissociating hadronic system \(X\) for which \(b_0\) was measured

  • anexp is a power-law exponent


  • epsilonW and epsilonM are controlling the intercept of the pomeron trajectory (minus 1). The first one steers the rise of \(\sigma _ {\gamma p}\) with \(W\), while the second controls the \(M_X\) spectrum

  • alpha1 and alpha1m control the pomerons trajectory’s \(\alpha'\) (therefore, expressed in GeV¯²)


  • lambda and eprop control the \(Q^2\)-dependence of the total production cross section, through

\[\sigma(Q^2) = \sigma_0\left(1 + Q^2/\Lambda^2\right)^{-\epsilon _ {\rm prop}}\]
  • xi and chi control the behaviour of the longitudinal-to-transverse cross section ratio through

\[\frac{\sigma_L(Q^2)}{\sigma_T(Q^2)}=\frac{\xi Q^2/m^2}{1+\xi\chi Q^2/m^2}.\]


In this scheme, \(\sigma_L/\sigma_T\to\xi Q^2/m^2\) for low-\(Q^2\), and \(1/\chi\) for high-\(Q^2\).


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “cepgen::proc::DiffVM” in doxygen xml output for project “CepGen” from directory: /Documentation/build/xml